Crédit Agricole Romania launched its first communication campaign on TV

Crédit Agricole Romania launched on Monday the first TV communication campaign on the local market, entitled "Decizia Corecta".

The campaign was designed by the Chainsaw agency, part of the Cheil Group.

Crédit Agricole ranks third among the top European banks.

The communication solution chosen was the removal of competition, given the close fight on the market, led by five large universal banks.

The bank's slogan is "a whole bank just for you ", a claim that reflects the complex ecosystem that Crédit Agricole can offer today in countries where it is already very well developed.

"We do not share the same power at the local level, but we share the same ways to do business every day in every action we take, in our quest for service or customers and prospects. We help customers address the right questions in order to take the correct decision. We also have the same values: transparency, proximity to our customers and accountability, all of these brands are also present at local level" said Luc Beiso, CEO of Crédit Agricole Romania.

The spot tells the story of the lives of most people, who have to make thousands of decisions, small, big, emotional or rational, and whatever their nature they have repercussions.

"Customers who made the right decision because they were helped by the right questions became the central message of our campaign. We believe it will help us build a stronger and aspirational brand as we deserve to be in Romania" said Beiso.

The campaign will run on TV for five weeks, and will be promoted online and offline.

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