COVID-19 • Comunicare -Presa • Business info
Sinteza #flashinfo, 22 – 29 iunie
26 iunie 2020
#fashinfo, 26 iunie. Strategia digitala a Uniunii Europene
Strategia digitala a Uniunii Europene are drept obiectiv permiterea crearii unei economii robuste si competitive. Este vorba despre a creea o piata unica in care companiile de toate dimensiunile si din toate sectroarele sa poata rivaliza pe picior de egalitate si sa poata dezvolta si utiliza produse si servicii digitale la o scara ce le permite cresterea productivitatii si a competitivitatii.
Inovarea platformelor online si digitalizarea industriei reprezinta cei doi piloni majori ai acestei strategii.
Pentru a afla mai multe :
25 iunie 2020
#flashinfo, 25 june. European Economic Recovery Plan: a technical approach
On 25th of June, CCIFER organized a new edition of Matinal Digital, a meeting dedicated to a technical approach to the European Economic Recovery Plan.
Our guest speakers were:
- Dacian CIOLOS - Member of the European Parliament, Renew Europe Group
- Istvan JAKAB - Economic Adviser, Representation of the European Commission in Romania
- Francois COSTE- President of CCIFER
- Moderator: Florin LUCA - CEO, GAC Innovation East Europe
The meeting has started with an introduction made by CCIFER’s President, Francois Coste. He pointed out the fact that it is important to improve the competitiveness of Romania and to seek opportunities for the companies by making sure that the funding will be well absorbed at the national and local level ( 750 billion euro were proposed to be distributed in EU countries to relaunch the economy. Romania might receive this summer an addition of approximative 31 billion).
Pentru a afla mai multe :
24 iunie 2020
#flashinfo, 24 iunie. Dezvoltarea unei filiere industriale de proximitate. Avantajele localizarii in Romania
Principalele idei dezbatute in cadrul seminarului „Développement d'une filière industrielle de proximité. Les avantages d’une localisation en Roumanie”, care a avut loc in cadrul Business Booster Days pe 24 iunie.
In contextul crizei sanitare, supply chain-ul a fost criticat de numeroase sectoare. Transportul si disponibilitatea produselor au intarziat fluxul de productie, amenintand continuitatea activitatilor pentru sectorul de retail, agroalimentar si automobil.
Pentru a afla mai multe:
23 iunie 2020
#flashinfo, 23 juin. The European Investment Bank to the COVID crisis
On 11th June, CCIFER organized a new edition of Matinal Digital, a meeting dedicated to discussions on the response of the European Investment Bank to the COVID crisis, the and the support instruments offered by the bank and the dynamic of the partnership with Romania.
Guest speaker: Flavio Schiavo Campo, general Director of EIB in Romania
Moderator: Tana Foarfă, Affiliated expert at Europuls, European Affairs Counsellor, European Parliament
Pentru a afla mai multe:
Sinteza #flashinfo, 16-22 iunie :