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Framatome is an international leader in nuclear energy recognized for its innovative, digital and value added solutions for the global nuclear fleet. With worldwide expertise and a proven track record for reliability and performance, the company designs, services and installs components, fuel, and instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power plants. Its more than 18,000 employees work every day to help Framatome’s customers supply ever cleaner, safer and more economical low-carbon energy. Visit us at , and follow us on X  and LinkedIn .

Framatome is owned by the EDF Group (80.5%) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI – 19.5%).

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Habitat for Humanity Romania

Redirecționează 20% din impozitul pe profit către Habitat for Humanity România și pune tu piatra de temelie pentru copiii care au nevoie de o locuință

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British Football School

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