Communication - Presse  •  Veille

#flashinfo, 7 mai. How should businesses manage the return to work?

On Mai, 7th 2020, CCIFER organized another edition of Matinal Digital, which was a meeting dedicated to a more complex understanding of the vision and recommendations of international organizations and the Romanian authorities, in order to see what are the elements which must be at the basis of the realization of internal management plans for resuming or continuing work in offices or production spaces.

CCIFER had the following guests: Dr. Miljana GRBIC - World Health Organization Representative and Head of WHO Country Office Romania, Dr. Raed ARAFAT - Secretary of State, Head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania and Francois COSTE - President of CCIFER. 

The main guiding principles of World Health Organization regarding the business environment were:

  • Easing large scale public measures, like physical distancing etc.
  • Lower risk activities could include the use of public space, while still keeping distancing.
  • Higher risk activities could include the opening of public spaces as schools.
  • Regarding the transition measures, it can only be made if people follow the rules, virus transmission patterns are influenced by how the people behave.
  • The phases of the disease until the vaccine is made available.
  • It’s important to establish preventing measures in place : individual hygiene, respiratory hygiene, environment cleaning and a temperature check.
  • All types of prevention strategies must be selected based upon the hazard the workers face; they have to be replaced and properly removed and disposed in order to avoid contamination of others or of the environment.

The conclusions of the discussions were that for the following period of time: it will be mandatory to wear the mask in open spaces, especially when interacting, to respect the distance between the employees, to educate people about barriers at work and to keep as much as possible the work from home.

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