On September 17, Smart Everything Everywhere (SEE) is organizing the third edition of the Digital Romania International Forum, in the context of the Three Seas Initiative Summit. This high-level invitation-only event had President Iohannis, Commissioner Gunther Oettinger, and Commissioner Mariya Gabriel as keynote speakers for the first two editions, and focused on Industry 4.0 (details here and here).
Find out more in the Forum presentation, available here: DRIF III: Women Leadership in Industry 4.0. If you are interested in becoming a partner for this event, please reach out to us for an introduction or directly to Tudor Oprea, SEE VP (tudor.oprea@see40.org +40743522233).
The Forum is an invitation-only event; if you are interested in attending, please reach out to the organizers directly (contact@see40.org).
DRIF III : "Women Leadership in Industry 4.0"
L'événement est terminé.
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