Building the position of the French-Romanian business community on Green Deal

Langue(s) de l'événement

Tarif : The participation is free on charge.
Only those who register can attend.
The connection details will be send by e-mail after registration.


L'événement est terminé.

Online debate

CCIFER is pleased to invite you on the 18th of September between 10h00-12h00 at an online debate centered around the European Green Deal  in order  to build a common unitary position of the French-Romanian business community meant to represent you in any external context Green Deal related.


The discussion will be moderated by Stefan Popescu, Deputy Director, Reglementation and Public Affairs Department, Engie and Ionut Tata, CEO, Iceberg Consulting.


Green Deal`s multilateral impact require constant and broad debate, therefore our first discussion on the matter will tackle and try to answer with your help the following questions:


• Clean, affordable and secure energy: How to create the link between renewables and industrial applications?

• 'Farm to Fork' Strategy:  How to  support  a viable production, processing, distribution network?

 Climate Ambition: How can smart mobility be properly enhanced? How to advance the construction of energy efficient buildings?

• The Just Transition Mechanism: How to build grounded projects fit for this type of financing?


Please note that  CCIFER intends to be a platform to support its members in surpassing cross sector challenges and in taking advantage of the opportunities in the context of the Green Deal instrument further on.

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