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With a total investment of 27 million euros, Felinvest SA finishes the project Cluj Business Campus

Cluj Business Campus becomes a mature project with the concretization of this final stage of development.

The final stage of the project is represented by a total investment of 14 million euros in a mixed building that includes spaces for class A offices and 90 apartments, that has been finalised in June 2020. Cluj Business Campus becomes a mature project with the concretization of this final stage of development.


Cluj Business Campus Project is a total investment of 27 million euros that brings the New Urban concept, popular in developed countries, on the Cluj market. The concept anticipates the needs for work and leisure time of the campus’ residents, offering a wide range of business and after business services, on a 100 steps radius.

In the 30.000 square feet, there are hosted offices, apartments, one bistro, a sports field, a gym, a business incubator, a park, a kindergarten, a school that teaches after an international curriculum, and the campus will complete the offer with available services with a co-working space and a barber shop.

The office building CBC 3 is rented in proportion to 75% by Bitdefender, Catalysts and Royal School in Transylvania. The employees of the partner companies have the option of buying or renting apartments within the campus, the time spent in the tiring shuttle to other residential centers of the city, now can be better used. CBC Bistro, CBC Fitness Corner, CBC Park, CBC Football Arena and events dedicated to the CBC community represent ideal options to spend your free time.

The companies that decided to be part of the CBC community are innovative and human centered. The businesses become successful, locally and globally, having a real interest in the wellbeing of the employees. This common preoccupation helped us to become their Real Estate partner, sustaining the efforts of attracting and retaining a high density of talent in the company, said Vlad Buzoianu, CEO CBC.

Another differentiating factor of the CBC Project is the fact that the real estate developer assumed the daily administration of the campus by creating and operating its facilities. With the exception of the educational component, all the campus’ facilities are operated by the CBC management team, with the following strategic objectives: flexibility in adapting to the renters’ needs and creating a community.

The diverse and complementary functionalities, found in a central part of the city, but protected from the noise, significantly reduce the need for movement of the residents and encourages the interaction between the CBC community members.

Our project represents a different vision on business campuses, addressing the B2B2C market. In our philosophy we don’t measure the size of the project only in square feet that we rent to the partner companies, but we focus as much on the needs of the people that we host and to whom we have to offer the best office experiences and ways of spending their free time with an accent on the safety and quality of life. It’s not an usual concept in our industry as real estate developers to concentrate on building communities and allocate time and resources to this endeavor, but I believe this is the right way to look at the future of Real Estate, explains Vlad Buzoianu, CEO Cluj Business Campus.

Regarding the event that marks the inauguration of the campus, Vlad Buzoianu explains: Given the context we find ourselves in, we decided to postpone the inauguration event, until the moment we can celebrate together, safe- hopefully very soon.

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