
We’re launching our Datacenter, come visit! Power your business with ClusterPower.

Dear Guest, 

We are proud to let you know officially that we are launching our physical data center, in Craiova, as part of the largest Tier III (Uptime Institute Certified) hyperscale campus in Central and Eastern Europe, in a resilient facility with its own energy production (CHP) and benefiting from a high energy efficiency.

You are among the few selected people who are invited to our location.

The ClusterPower solutions range from high-density collocation to compute and artificial intelligence infrastructure and platform as a service based on state-of-the-art technology. (

We will be networking over cocktails at the Ramada Hotel in Craiova on Thursday evening, March 31st and on Friday 1st of April we will be visiting our new data center.

We kindly ask you to reserve your spot before March 22nd by filling in the form:

For more information please contact us by email at: office(@)

The ClusterPower Team

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