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Pro Valore International is a human resources company.

Why Pro Valore International? Competence. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Excellence. Integrity. Objectivity. Performance. We believe in values. Values define people. People define organizations. We harness human potential to ensure the success of the organizations. For more than 15 years, Pro Valore International specialists have been delivering unparalleled results to our partners because we understood that the human resource is the only one who can bring added value to an organization. In order to excel in any field, we understood that the most important thing is to know oneself, to be aware of one’s values, abilities, competencies and to develop them at any stage of one’s career.

Our solutions are addressed to corporate clients and individual clients:

  • Executive Search & Recruitment
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Outplacement & Career Counseling
  • Training

For the personal and professional development of our clients we facilitate training programs:

  • Recruitment, Selection, Integration
  • Competencies Assessment
  • Topography of Recruiter’s Competencies
  • Emotional Intelligence in Recruitment
  • Be Visible to Employers

All training programs contain Points of You® tools.

Why Points of You®? Because relationships matter in life, and relationships mean communication. To recall the words of the famous psychoanalyst Francoise Dolto – Tout est langage. Nothing truer. Imagine someone you barely know and want to get them to talk about themselves. You think you have exhausted all possibilities, but you remind yourself that you have a Points of You® tool you are using, and the one in front of you opens up. You learn a lot about him, but he also learns about himself. That’s why Points of You® tools are unique. It facilitates communication with others, but also with yourself. It helps you discover yourself in a unique way and explore relationships through communication.

Click here for more information.



Dragos Barbu, Managing Partner


E-mail: dragos(@)

Phone: 0723.62.11.22


Beatrice Barbu, Partner & Senior HR Consultant


E-mail: beatrice(@)

Phone: 0738.62.44.22

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