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Open a Door for Hope_Call for Sponsorhip and Donations

Although the year 2021 was as challenging as the last one, you have not stopped answering the calls for help from the most disadvantaged members of the community, and for that, I THANK YOU!

Now, at the end of the year, I invite you to continue your efforts by supporting thousands of patients who have no income or health insurance. They are the most vulnerable of the sick ones, those who have lost their right to see to the doctor when the disease put them down.

They are the patients in front of whom the doors have been closed for a long time.

" Until I got to the Foundation, everyone closed the doors in front of me ..." - says Lidia, mother of four children and patient of the foundation

For 10 years, the Inovatii Sociale Regina Maria Foundation has been opening its doors to Health, to Education, to Hope, to Dignity. Doors to Life.

In the 2 social polyclinics we have, such patients cross our threshold every day. So far, along with people like you, we have cared for over 11,000 social patients, who have received medication and over 70,000 free consultations and investigations.

And in our educational centers, hundreds of children are cared for, loved and educated. 

For some of all this you have already contributed or you can do it through a sponsorship until December 31 of the 20% of the profit or income tax due by your company!

Help us to continue to offer Health, Education and Hope to those who are waiting their turn.




• This redirection is made simple, completing and signing the sponsorship contract until December 31, 2021, which please send scanned to frm(@) and / or physically to our address: Șoseaua Gheorghe Ionescu Sisești nr 8A, Bucharest (within Enayati Medical City), for the attention of Cristiana Mateoiu.


• The amount will be redirected until December 31 in order to benefit from the fiscal facility provided by the Sponsorship Law.


• The contract will remain in the company's accounts as justification for directing the 20% of the profit / income tax to the Regina Maria Social Innovation Foundation.






PS: A letter with the story of Nicoleta, the smiling girl in the picture is on her way to you or maybe already on your desk. Please read it. In just 2 minutes you will learn how to change or even save lives.

HERE you can see more details about our activity


Thank you for your generosity!


Cristiana Mateoiu, 


Director Executiv

E: cristiana.mateoiu(@) |

Pct de lucru: Șoseaua Gheorghe Ionescu Sisești nr 8A, București (în cadrul Enayati Medical City)

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