Number Wine Consulting SRL - For sale

The shareholders and management of Number Wine Consulting SRL, request you to express interest for the acquisition of 100% of the shares

Description of the company and its business activities

Number Wine Consulting SRL is a company importing wine from France, Italy, Spain and Netherlands (New world wines) and distribute them to Restaurants and Hotels in Bucharest.

Other clients are private and 1 distributor based in Pitesti for covering the rest of Romania.

The concept stands for:

  • Imported wines from France (50% of the portfolio), Italy, Spain, Netherlands.
  • Modern & innovative wines at medium, to medium + prices.
  • Selection is small and made of easy-selling wines : NO STOCK PROBLEMS or OUTDATED
  • stock
  • Most activities being outsourced : delivery, order & logistics.
  • Business being very sane & clean : no debt, no materials (truck, offices, etc.)
  • Business is recorded at COFACE

The success of Number Wine since 2013 is the result of the:

  1. A small selection of easy selling wine
  2. A selection of clients paying – unpaid invoices totalized around 500 lei for the period 2013-2017
  3. An expertise in selecting the wines perfectly adapted to a part of the market needs

Key Business Indicators

Number Wine Consulting started its business in October 2013 and has always reported solid financial results. The below table shows the actual turnover 2014 – 2017: 

2014343 074
2015489 457
2016711 448
20171 081 509


Among the most important clients, Number Wine is a key supplier of the following companies: Cantine de Nicolaï, Casa Di David, Dancing Lobster, Dianei 4, Ethic Wine, Fratelli, Grano, Hambar, Il Locale, Jicky, Kan Pai, Kane, Marriott, Mercure, Pain Plaisir, Poesia, Pullman, Simbio, Stejari, The Artist, TukTuk, Vacamuuu, Vino, Voilà Bistro, Wine Bouquet, Yuki, Zen Sushi.


Shareholders/sellers are 4 individual parties having 60 %, 15%, 15%, and 10% of the shares.

Partners and outsourcing
The company has outsourced :

  • Its administration, management accounting, financial reporting and tax compliance to an international accounting and audit firm
  • Transport and customs adress of “destinatar inregistrat”
  • Order reception (phone or mail) and delivery in Bucharest
  • Order preparation, warehouse rental and labelling

Sales process

It is the shareholders intention to sell and transfer the shares in exchange for a fixed monetary amount which will be paid into the sellers bank account upon closure of the transaction.

Offers with a deferred payment and/or other restrictions or conditions will not be taken in consideration.

  • Phase 1 : Expression of interest
  • Phase 2 : Due diligence
  • Phase 3 : Final binding offer
  • Phase 4 : Closing

Access to the data is subject to receiving:

  • A signed non-disclosure agreement
  • A bank statement or equivalent document confirming the party entering the second phase has the available funds to pay the initial offer price.

During the opening access of the data parties are allowed to ask questions for clarification.

Contacts and correspondence

For any correspondence and further contact parties are requested to exclusively relate to: iulia.borcaias(@) 

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