Ionuț CIUREA, ProInfrastructura

Is a well-known soft skills trainer and business consultant in Romania with experience in delivering training since 2005 for SMEs and corporations, in various industries (health, oil, banking, IT&C, asset management, entertainment, tobacco, FMCG).

Because he had to travel extensively all over the country for business purposes, he found out early-on the crucial importance of good road infrastructure. He is very interested in the development of infrastructure in Romania since early 2010.

In 2011 he founded an online community dedicated to promoting the development of road, rail and aviation infrastructure in Romania (the forum), a community that is now the most important and influential for monitoring the biggest road infrastructure investments. In 2015 he founded, with 9 other friends, the organization Asociatia Pro Infrastructura. He is now Vicepresident and Executive Director, with a role in representing the organization in TV interviews, conferences and the relationship with contractors and authorities.

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L’Association eematico est une organisation dédiée à l’innovation dans les programmes éducatifs, visant à développer les compétences essentielles à la...

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