Communication - Presse

Elena Pap was appointed as Regional Director within the French Group Up

The CEO of Up Romania, Elena Pap was appointed Regional Director within the French Group Up. Director of Up Romania for 15 years, Elena Pap will cumulate this position with the new appointment as Regional Director for Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Serbia and Greece. Thus, Elena Pap is the first female director of an international subsidiary within the group appointed to the Executive Board.

Elena Pap takes over the duties from her predecessor, Julien Anglade, who recieved a new role within the Executive Board of the French Group.

In her new office, Elena Pap will coordinate the development of innovative solutions and services of the group in South-East Europe and will contribute to the orientation and implementation of the Up strategic project.

“The innovation and the technology of our motivational solutions for employees are the priority of the Up group in South East Europe. Our client companies, business partners and our users can rely on us to increase retention, productivity and simplify services. Beyond accelerating the group's market share in this region in terms of employee benefits, my key objective is to find new development and diversification opportunities for the company's service portfolio, ”stated Elena Pap.

Up Group (the new name of Chèque Déjeuner company), a global co-leader in the employee benefits market, develops payment systems and management solutions that give vitality to local companies and institutions and contributes to the well-being of employees and citizens, while also offering freedom of choice and use. Up is an international cooperative group, whose independence guarantees the balance of trust relationships between parties. With a presence in 30 countries and a base of over 200,000 client companies, serving over 26 million beneficiaries worldwide, the French group ended 2018 with a turnover of 532 million Euros.

The most popular products of the group in Romania are:

  • Up Dejun meal ticket and card (the new name of the famous Chèque Déjeuner ticket)
  • Up Gift and ticket
  • Up Holiday Voucher and card


Added to these are the social and nursery vouchers, the Up Culture ticket and card, recently launched, as well as the Up Purchasing platform (solutions for smart purchases dedicated to small and medium-sized companies - SMEs). Up Romania serves over 20,000 clients and 750,000 beneficiaries.

Elena Pap – biography

With a long experience in the financial field and team management, Elena Pap is one of the pioneers of this industry. Elena has 16 years at the management of Up Romania, formerly known as Chèque Déjeuner, and has a solid expertise in the benefits industry. In recent years, Elena Pap has dedicated herself to the growth of Up company, positioning it as a key player in the local market, but also to the interests of the industry in general, from the position of President of the Professional Association of Vouchers Issuers (APET).

From the position of managing director, Elena Pap has developed sustainable partnerships with the business environment - retailers, SMEs, large corporations. Her coming to the leadership of Up Romania led to a new vision in the relationship with customers and partners, a vision based on efficiency, simplification and empathy.

Prior to her work at Up Romania, Elena Pap held senior management positions in the financial departments of several companies, including Romcontrol or American Enterprise.

Elena is a graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies, specialized in finance, credit and accounting.  


For more details and information please contact:

Cornelia Chirnogea




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