Membres Energies renouvelables - Développement durable - Environnement

ECOTIC has launched the Environmental Protection Handbook

In 2020, ECOTIC, in partnership with InfoCons, provide citizens with the Handbook on Environmental Protection and Selective Collection with the purpose of informing them about good practices in regards to the environment. This handbook presents in a comprehensive manner and in simple language useful information and recommendations for citizens of all ages, urging them to protect the environment through separate waste collection.

The handbook, developed by ECOTIC, will be distributed, in an initial stage, to teachers at pre-university level within the national campaign "Închide. Stinge. Reciclează." („Close. Turn off. Recycle.”), implemented by InfoCons.

The handbook is an educational support for all those interested in ecology and learning how they can protect the environment, and, essentialy, their health. It also comes to the support of teachers, who want to provide students with high quality ecological education, gathering all the relevant practical information in one place.

It includes information on sustainable development and environmental protection - from international conventions and initiatives with European impact such as the European Green Deal launched by the European Commission at the end of 2019 to circular economy and its benefits.

The ECOTIC Handbook presents practical aspects on separate collection and recycling of all types of waste, with clear examples of which are recyclable and which are not, a small dictionary with the most common terms in the field of environmental protection, and last but not least, a small compendium with the most important legislative provisions. At the same time, the handbook also offers recommendations on sorting the waste in the household, as well as information of interest regarding the protection of the environment in general.

The handbook can be downloaded at

"The ECOTIC Handbook is a useful educational tool for all those interested in protecting the environment and saving resources. We are convinced that by promoting these examples of good practices and solutions in the field of waste collection and recycling we are contributing to the development of a responsible attitude of the Romanian citizens towards the environment ”, declared Valentin Negoiță, President of ECOTIC.

The Handbook on Environmental Protection is an integral part of the national information campaign "Be in your country as well as abroad!" (Fii la tine-n țară la fel ca afară!), launched in 2020 by ECOTIC in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests.

ECOTIC aims, within this campaign, to promote the good practices of the European Union states and to inform the Romanian public about the solutions for separate collection of electrical and electronic waste that are available to everyone: electronics and home appliances stores, municipal collection points, as well as campaigns carried out by ECOTIC on a regular basis, in urban and rural areas.

Launched on January 14, the multimedia campaign includes a video spot that is promoted on traditional media, TV, and on YouTube and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

In the first two months since its launch, the message of the campaign was received by over 5 million people.

Details about the campaign on



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