Call launch – innovative projects for private companies (POC)!

Today, November, 15, 2017 has been launched the financing scheme: “Proiect Tehnologic Inovativ” (POC 1.2.1) for private companies.

The call for projects will be opened for 3 months, until February, 15, 2018.

This action aims to fund projects that develop new or substantially improved products and/or processes or technologies, developed through research activities for the purpose of production and commercialization. The call has a total allocation of 286 million lei (about 64 million euro).

Eligible applicants: large enterprises and SMEs, with R&D activity, but not as main activity.

The R&D component can be implemented individually by the applicant only or in a partnership with one or two research organizations.

Value of grant: up to 22.500.000 lei (aprox 5 mil euro);

Financing percentage:

For companies, variable percentage, between 10%-80% (depends on the type of activities included in the project, the dimension of the applicant and location if investment).

The activities performed by the research institutions are financed with up to 100% of the eligible costs

Types of eligible activities:

  • industrial research;
  • experimental development;
  • preparatory feasibility studies for R&D activities;
  • innovation activities for obtaining, validating and protecting patents, and other intangible assets;
  • other innovative activities: high skilled personnel detachment, acquisition of innovation consultancy services, acquisition of innovation support services;
  • initial investments for innovation for introducing in production of R&D results.



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