
Breakfast with Schoenherr | How to shield your company against criminal offences

participation by invitation only* 11 May 2023 | 9:00 am EET | Marmorosch Bucharest Hotel

Fraud, cybercrimes and forgery are only some of the criminal offences third parties can commit against your company. Being a victim of such crimes can massively impact any business on an operational, financial or reputational level. And as their incidence is growing by the day, you can never be too cautious in finding ways to shield your company against these threats.

  • In what situations do companies commonly become victims of criminal offences committed by third parties?
  • How can companies defend themselves?
  • What should a company's quick response guide for criminal offences include?

Schoenherr si Asociatii SCA's white-collar crime lawyers will explore these and other topics together at this event on 11 May 2023. If you are a general counsel/ legal manager or compliance manager, this will be particularly interesting for you.



Iustin Armașu | local partner

Magdalena Roibu | managing attorney at law

Horia Codreanu | attorney at law



9:00 – 9:15 am | registration & welcome coffee

9:15 – 10:45 am | panel discussion

10:45 – 11:30 am | coffee & networking


*Notes: Participation by invitation only. If you would like to receive an invitation, please contact Schoenherr Bucharest PR & corporate communications manager Daniela Bădoi by e-mail at d.badoi(@) Limited seats available, to be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.



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