Banii României producătoare – finanțarea economiei private
Marți, 7 Februarie 2023, orele 09:00 -12:00 LIVE pe canalele CursDeGuvernare
Marți, 7 Februarie 2023, orele 09:00 -12:00 LIVE pe canalele CursDeGuvernare
ERA Group was recently named Global Franchise Grand Champion 2025, the highest honor for excellence, innovation and impact in the franchise industry,...
Nouveaux membres
Fondée le 10 avril 1992, ARAS est l'une des premières associations non gouvernementales roumaines à voir le jour après 1989. Nous avons commencé en...
Nouveaux membres
With over 9 years of experience in the market, Eagle Consult & Services operates in two main areas: BUSINESS STRATEGY CONSULTING An innovative and...